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LimeFx Review Forex Brokers Reviews & Ratings

Inaddition, the broker provides negative balance protection, which preventstraders from losing more money than they have invested. It is an importantfeature that helps protect customers from financial losses due to unforeseenmarket conditions. LimeFxis an online multi-asset brokerage regulated by the Seychelles FinancialServices Authority (FSA). The broker offers access to various tradinginstruments, including Forex, Metals, Futures, […]

What Is SMA? Simple Moving Average

The bullish crossover happens when an asset’s price stays for a specific period under the SMA line and then it is placed again over it. That indicates that the downtrend has finished and an uptrend is expected. Through the trending market, those signals are considered reliable indicators. Conversely, for sideways markets where lexatrade review the […]

Margin Call: What It Is and How to Meet One with Examples

To navigate the complexities of margin trading safely, traders should adhere to certain best practices. If you wish to trade a position worth $100,000 and your broker has a margin requirement of 2%, the required margin would be 2% of $100,000, which is $2,000. To prevent such forced liquidation, it is best to meet a […]

Creating a Candlestick Chart with JS to Analyze Stocks DEV Community

In this section, we will explore how to configure the theme of the chart. This is where the beauty of CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) comes in handy. We can simply add the links to the Core, Stock, and Data Adapter modules in the section of our HTML page. We’ll also need to add the CSS […]

Introduction Pine Script User Manual 4 documentation

This article will show Pine Script examples in the TradingView browser version. I suggest the TradingView browser version for Pine Script beginners. For intermediate and advanced users, the TradingView desktop is recommended as it is faster and offers native multi-monitor support. Having said that there are some very smart developers who publish open source algorithms. […]

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